AERMODCloud Software

Experience the power of a truly integrated AERMOD air dispersion modelling system with AERMOD Cloud. Our innovative platform combines AERMOD, AERMET, AERMAP, and BPIPRM into a single, user-friendly interface, making it easier than ever to model the dispersion of air pollutants from various emission sources.

Designed primarily for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies, AERMOD Cloud provides advanced capabilities for modeling the dispersion of air pollutants from point, area, volume, open pit, line, and polygon area sources. With AERMOD Cloud, you can take your air quality assessments to the next level and make more informed decisions about the environmental impact of your projects.

A tutorial about how to compile and run AERMOD on Linux platform (Ubuntu 16.04).

Compile and Run AERMOD on Linux Platform

The AERMOD is a preferred air quality dispersion model of US-EPA, designed for short-range (up to 50 kilometres) dispersion of air pollutant emissions from stationary industrial sources. The Fortran source code and an executable to be used with Microsoft Windows is available on the US-EPA web site.

AERMOD on Linux

To compile the source code on Linux, you need -

  • FORTRAN compiler “gfortran
  • Latest version of AERMOD – Version 16216r.

FORTRAN Compiler

To check if you have a FORTRAN compiler already installed, open terminal and type:

gfortran – version

If it says, “command not found”, gfortran is likely not installed. To install gfortran, open terminal window and type the command -

sudo apt-get install gfortran -y

After installation of gortran make a new folder aermod under “Home” directory and navigate to the aermod directory.

Download AERMOD Source Code

Now, Download the Fortran source code of AERMOD from US-EAP website.

Compile AERMOD Source Code

Extract the source code from download zip file in to a folder “aermod_source”:


Now to compile run the following command from folder aermod_source:

gfortran -static -o aermod.exe -fbounds-check -fcheck=all -Wextra -Wall -pedantic -frecursive -O3 modules.f aermod.f setup.f coset.f soset.f reset.f meset.f ouset.f inpsum.f metext.f iblval.f siggrid.f tempgrid.f windgrid.f calc1.f calc2.f prise.f prime.f sigmas.f pitarea.f output.f evset.f evcalc.f evoutput.f

On successful compilation, the aermod.exe file will be generated. To check where the file is generated or not – type the following command:

ls -las *.exe


Download the sample file from here and then extract in to a new folder called “SampleRun”. For convenience, copy the “aermod.exe” in to the same folder and navigate into it. Now run AERMOD by type the following command:


You can check the output files like aermod.out, errors.out generated after the after successful run of AERMOD.

Note that the necessary input files and aermod.exe file must be in the same folder and the input file name must be “aermod.inp”.

Precompiled binaries for Linux system

If you don’t want to go through the compilation steps, download the precompiled binaries for Linux, extract the “aermod.exe” and copy in to “SampleRun” directory and follow the steps as mentioned under section “Run AERMOD” You may get error when you run precompiled binaries download from our website.

This error can be rectified this by running the following permission command:

chmod 755 aermod.exe

Now you can run aermod.exe

*Ubuntu 16.04 | AERMOD -Version 16216r

Hari Om Pandey

Mr Pandey is Senior Software Consultant. He is specialized in C#, ASP.NET, Oracle, C, C++ and Turbo Pascal.

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